Sunday, July 17, 2005

Randi Grossman

Hey Mom, Dad, and any other person who is reading this. I’m having a wonderful time! On the first day I helped carry blocks from one place to another and helped make a rock wall. Day two I went door knocking and played with some kids. Day three I went to the hospital, and today we went to a children’s home and had a carnival for them. There was this one little girl named Ruth who was basically glued to my arm all day. She was so cute! Then we played soccer and our guys won 8-5. It was awesome; they did so good! I miss you all so much! Don’t be worried; I am having a GREAT time! This is the best place I’ve ever been! Love you lots! Can’t wait to see you and tell you all about my trip! Tomorrow we are going to church and shopping.Love, Randi