Sunday, July 17, 2005

Katie Waller

Katie Waller
Hey guys at Woodland Hills! This trip has been amazing so far. I deffinately think this is a life changin esperience! We are all having a great tiem and cannot wait to tell you all about it. The things I´ve seen have compleatelly changed my perspective on life and have made me realize and appreciate just what all I´ve been blessed with. Andrea keeps making fun of me because I´m upset cause I can´t call you. She make comments like ¨you usually call your mom like 50 times a day. I´m sure you´re going through withdrawls.¨ I am . I miss you so much if I could have 10 minutes to talk to you I think I could make it through the rest of the trip, no complaints. Figure out how to write me back so I can feel a little better. Tell Gabe I miss him and I will hunt him down first thing when I get home. Tell Josh I really miss him and not to worry he´s on my list of people to immediately see! But I miss you the most mommy! Tell Cami and Daddy I miss them too. Take care of my babies (Edgar, Clarence adn Sterling)...tell Josh to give Megan my love also. So Kaitlin, I totally wish you were here buddy! Got you some cute little stuff! You should deffinately respond to me...and oh yeah, Ma, tell the boys to writ me e-mails...or respond to the blog or whatever (boys meaning Josh and Gabe). Daddy...I guess you get this too...if you read it... I really miss you and love you! But anyways I´m out guys! I love you all and can´t wait to see you! Oh and just some reminders...Kaitlin get on those Ben Harper tickets and don´t forget Ang´s Adeipne shirt and buy cameras... and ma don´t forget student loan is a much!
Love you