Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Mallorie Hutton

Mallorie Hutton
Hello All! How is everybody doing? I just wanted to give an update on whats been going on since last time I wrote. Monday I dug holes for a house, moved timber, and painted a yellow and pink school. Today I went and helped with VBS. They performed short skits and did a puppet show and sang songs in spanish. I got to jump rope with some of the kids also. Katie Waller and Jack Lipsey jumped with me too. I just ate dinner and we are about to go to Baskin Robbins for dessert. I miss everyone so much.

Joey- Did you tell everyone hello for me? You know that you can write me back. I get one more chance to email after this one. I love you! Just five short days and then I get to see your smiling face. You have to tell them I said hello because I dont know if they get this or not. Thanks doll.
I cant wait to see all of you. I need to tell my stories. I am having such a great time. I love you all.
Love always and forever.....Mallorie