Sunday, July 17, 2005

Leah Marmo

Leah Marmo
Hey guys it´s me finally! Sorry I didn´t write sooner but we´ve been really busy. But yeah, I´m pretty sure there´s only one workd to describe it here-AMAZING! It´s beautiful, not too hott, kina tropical. There´s mango trees everywhere it´s awesome. We´ve done so muc so far. I´ll give you a brief update because it´s like 10:30 pm and I´m passing out (like always). But anyway, upon arriving on Wed. we went to work at a place called Santa Ana and returned the next to work more. We visited a really poor village where we distributed food and clothes. We visited a children´s home where I hung out with little girl all do day and actually talked to her. It was cool. Today we practiced for VBS and ate at this really cool resturant where everyone had a great time. But anyway, write back and tell me everything that´s going on back in the states!
Sara´s probably reading this so Hi Sister! and hello to everyone else! Love you guys and see you on the 26th!
Love Leah
P.S Ken should see the weird plants and HUGE bugs here!
Happy Birthday MOM